Biolis 24i Premium

Biolis 24i Premium

"Second Generation" The Best Solution For Laboratory: Improved Ease Of Operation and Better Test Efficiency

Biolis 24i Premium is second generation's Clinical Chemistry analyzer.Improvements to the optical measurement system have reduced reaction volume by maximum 30% compared to the former model, TRX7010.

* User friendly and easy to operate - The analyzer is simple to use via new user interface. Data entry is fast and efficient. Any menu accessible with a single click on icons arranged on upper or lower screen.It has alarm and warning messages to alert the user.
* Air pressure mixing - No reagent carry-over between tests because mixing is done with air pressure, without stirrers.
* Bichromatic optical system.
* Reusable special plastic reaction cuvettes with automatic washing system.
* Better Test Efficiency - Improvements to the optical measurement system have reduced reaction volume by maximum 30% compared to the former model.
* Sample volume reduction - Analyzer can test small volume samples (around 50 μl).
* Night shift mode operation enables simpler test.
* Bi-directional LIS communication - Easy integration with existing laboratory information system.

* System type: Discrete, single line random acces, multi-test analyzer
* Number of test items on board: 36+3(ISE) or 24+3(ISE)
* Throughput: 240 tests/hour, 400 tests/hour including ISE
* Analysis method: End point assay, 2 points end, rate assay, ISE (option)
* Calibration curve: 9 kinds (linear, spline, etc.)

* Sample kind: Serum, plasma, urine, CSF
* Sample container: Sample cup, Primary tube (5, 7, 10 ml)
* Number of sample on board: Maximum 54/tray : Patient sample = 40, Control sample = 6, STAT sample = 5, Cleaning solution = 2, ISE cleaning solution = 1
* Number of sample tray: Maximum 10
* Sample dispense volume: 2.0-30.0 µL (0.1 µL step)
* Automatic dilution: Dilution ratio: 6, 10 ~ 100
* STAT sample measurement: Available
* Sample barcode: Barcode reader supplied as an option

* Number of bottles on board: 72 (36 items) or 48 (24 items)
* Bottle volume: 13, 25, 40 mL or 20, 40, 60 mL
* Reagent dispense volume: 20-330 µL (1 µL step)
* Reagent storage: Reagent tray cooling available
* Residual volume: Level sensing or count down calculation
* Reagent tray: 36-sectors or 24-sectors (Removable)
* Reagent barcode: Barcode reader supplied as an option

* Reaction cuvette: Material: Plastics (Semi-disposable)
* Reaction volume: Minimum 140 µL, maximum 400 µL
* Reaction time: 10 min. (1st reaction: 5min. 2nd reaction: 5min.)
* Reaction temperature: 37 ± 0.1°C
* Optical measurement: Multiwavelength grating photometer with 12 wavelengths: 340,380,405,505,546,570,600,660,700,750, and 800 nm
* Optical source: Tungsten halogen lamp
* Optical range: OD 0-2.5
* Cuvette washing: Auto wash with heated water and 2 kinds of washing solution
* Reaction waste collection: Reaction waste to be stored in a dedicated tank
* Pure water consumption: 3.5 L/jam

User Interface
* Run monitor: Analyzer operation status display
* Reaction curve monitor: Optical absorbance graphic display
* Quality Control: Westgard multirule, Levy-Jennings Plot, XB charts within day, day to day
* Voice message: "Sampling stop","End of Analysis" etc.
* Test result storage: 10.000 samples maximum
* Printer: Built-in thermal printer (internal)
* External printer (option)

Technical specifications
* Power Supply: AC 100V, 115 V, 230 V ± 10%;600 VA 50/60 Hz
* Grounding: Special 3rd grade, Resistive less than 10 ohm
* Ambient temperature: 15-30°C (During operation)
* Ambient humidity: 30-85% (No condensation)
* Water consumption: 3.5 liters/hour
* Dimensions: 800(W) x 670(D) x 520(H) mm
* Weight: ± 95 kg

Test items
* Biochemistry-Substrate: Albumin, BUN/Urea, β-lipoprotein, Bilirubin-Direct, Bilirubin-Total, Calcium, Cholestrol, Cholestrol-HDL, Cholestrol-LDL, Creatinine, Free-Fatty Acid (Non-Esterified), Fructosamine, Glucose, HbA1c, 3-Hydoxybutyric Acid, Inorganic Phosphorus, Iron, Lipoprotein(a), Micro-Albumin Urine, Magnesium, Micro-Total Protein (Urine), Phospholipid, Sialic Acid, Total Bile Acid, Total Ketone Body, Thymol Turbidity Test, Zinc Sulfate Turbidity Test
* Biochemistry-Enzyme: Acid Phosphatase, Adenosine Deaminase, Alkaline Phosphatase, ALT, AST, AST-Mitochondrial, Amylase, Amylase-Pancreatic, Cholinesterase, CK-NAC, CK-MB, Gamma-GT, α-Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase, Leucine Aminopeptidase, Lactate Dehydrogenase, Lipase, Monoamine Oxidase, N-Acetyl-β-Glucosaminidase
* Immunology: Antistreptolysin-O, Apoa-I, Apoa-II, ApoB, ApoC-II, ApoC-III, ApoE, β2-microglobulin C-reactive Protein, C3, C4, CH50, lg-A, lgG, lg-M, Rheumatoid Factor, Transferrin, Treponema Pallidum
* Drug: Carbamazepine, Digoxin, Phenobarbital, Phenytoin, Primidone, Theophylline, Valproic Acid
* Coagulation: Antiplasmin, Antithrombin III, Fibrin Degradation Product, D-Dimer, Plasminogen, Protein C

Product ordering information
Biolis 24i Premium: #20102012887
Biolis 24i Premium with sample barcode reader: #20102012888
Biolis 24i Premium with sample and reagent barcode reader: #20102012889

Contact Us

  • Address: Perkantoran Plaza Pasifik B2/41, Jalan Boulevard Barat Raya, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara 14240 - Indonesia

  • Phone: (021) 45845736

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